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The members of the LRF represent leading public bodies (Category 1 and Category 2 responders). They make up the Chief Officers Executive group who are responsible for undertaking preparations for, and response to, major incidents and emergencies throughout the geographical area covered by the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. The forum meets on a regular basis and discusses the direction and polices relating to emergency planning.

Before the Civil Contingencies Act of 2004 (known generally on this site as the 'Act'), co-operation between responders such as police, fire and ambulance was practised as a matter of routine and necessity. But this was an informal process. When the Act came into force, these organisations, referred to as Category 1 and 2 responders, now had a statutory duty to plan for and co-operate with each other. The Local Resilience Forum fulfils this requirement.

The LRF is not a separate legal personality, nor does it have powers to direct its members. It is not a statutory body, but it is a statutory process. Put simply, it is a means by which Category 1 and 2 responders such as police, fire, ambulance, local authority and the utilities can get together and co-operate in the duties conferred on them by the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

• Terrorism
• Cyber
• State threats
• Geographic and diplomatic
• Accidents and systems failures
• Natural and environmental hazards
• Human, animal and plant health
• Societal
• Conflict and instability

Find more detail within the Community Risk Register

An event or situation with a range of serious consequences which requires special arrangements to be implemented by one or more emergency responder agency. “Emergency responder agency” describes all category one and two responders as defined in the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) and associated guidance. A major incident is beyond the scope of business-as-usual operations, and is likely to involve serious harm, damage, disruption or risk to human life or welfare, essential services, the environment or national security. A major incident may involve a single-agency response, although it is more likely to require a multi-agency response, which may be in the form of multi-agency support to a lead responder. The severity of the consequences associated with a major incident are likely to constrain or complicate the ability of responders to resource and manage the incident, although a major incident is unlikely to affect all responders equally. The decision to declare a major incident will always be a judgement made in a specific local and operational context, and there are no precise and universal thresholds or triggers. Where LRFs and responders have explored these criteria in the local context and ahead of time, decision makers will be better informed and more confident in making that judgement.

Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Programme

‘An approach to preventing and managing emergencies that entails six key activities – anticipation, assessment, prevention, response, and recovery. Integrated Emergency Management (IEM) is geared to the idea of building greater overall resilience in the face of a broad range of disruptive challenges. It requires a coherent multi-agency effort'.

(Emergency Response and Recovery – HM Government, 2005)

  • Prepare for unusual circumstances
  • Ensure delivery of pre-planned responses
  • Formulate a ‘check list'
  • Control the actions of others
  • Protect oneself and organisation(s)
  • Fulfil a legal requirement
  • Create a comprehensive reference document

A plan is a written record of agreed future actions intended to be taken to prevent an emergency, or to respond to a disaster or emergency.

Contents of a typical plan:

  • Risk and consequence assessment
  • Alerting and mobilising procedures
  • Resources required
  • Roles and responsibilities of responding organisations and personnel
  • Incident management structures and processes
  • Communication
  • Strategies, tactics and operational responses
  • Public Information

Through carrying out joint training and exercises partner agencies and stakeholders are able to provide an integrated and coordinated response. This collaboration familiarises all parties with the management framework during a response, highlights problems so they can be addressed before a live incident, ensures plans and procedures are up to date and formulates working relationships.

Multi agency co-operation is required during a major incident; the Local Resilience Forum ensures this. This Forum is made up of bodies that have specific duties as determined by the Civil Contingencies Act (2004). It has representatives from both category 1, and category 2 responders.

This act essentially requires leading public bodies to work together to identify, plan and deal with major emergencies.

In our area, the Local Resilience Forum has been created to administer the legislation across the counties of Devon and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The Act requires the development of risk assessments in a published Community Risk Register. Risks in this context are those that could result in a major emergency and this Community Risk Register is the first step in the emergency planning process.

The CRR lists hazards that are a potential risk to the population and infrastructure within the LRF area. The hazard topics were identified on a national level by the Cabinet Office, then modified and adapted to make them specific to local hazards.  

The hazards have been determined from studying historical data, and assessing the likelihood of their occurrence. The potential impacts of the risks posed by the hazards have been measured by using health, social, economic and environmental indicators, in accordance with the Emergency Preparedness guidance.

Those in Category 1 are organisations at the core of the response to most emergencies such as the emergency services, local authorities, NHS bodies. Category 1 responders are subject to the full set of civil protection duties, which can be seen on the page Who We Are.

Category 2 organisations are ‘co-operating bodies’. They are less likely to be involved in the heart of planning work, but will be heavily involved in incidents that affect their own sector. Category 2 responders have a lesser set of duties - co-operating and sharing relevant information with other Category 1 and 2 responders. For example the Health and Safety Executive, transport and utility companies are considered Category 2 responders.

The Government published a website in 2024 designed to support the public in the identification, understanding and self mitigation against national risks.

The information on this site is designed to help you prepare for emergenciesbe more informed about hazards, and get involved in activities to support yourself and your community before, during and after an emergency.

There is also specific advice for disabled persons and carers.

Taking action now will make it easier to manage if an emergency does happen.

We want to ensure that your stay in our rest centres is as comfortable and as short as possible. There are a number of things that we will provide in every centre that we open, so expect to see the following:

  • Reception – staff will be there to meet and greet you, and to get you out of the cold. You will be given a Rest Centre Leaflet here and staff will advise you where you need to go and what you can expect.
  • Registration – everyone who comes into the centre will be registered by our staff, which will involve taking some basic details such as your name, address date of birth and any urgent needs that you may have. You will also be asked if there is someone who you may be able to stay with for the duration of the emergency, which may be more comfortable than staying put in the centre.
  • Assessment – once we have taken some details from you, we will then be able to work to make your stay even more comfortable, by providing some of the services shown below. 
  • Light refreshments – we hope that the WRVS (Women's Royal Volunteer Service) will provide you with a drink and a biscuit as soon as you arrive, and will make arrangements for hot meals when we need to.
  • Pets – pets are welcome in our rest centres but if you bring them with you, please be prepared to care for them, as you would at home. We will set aside an area for pets and help you to look after them as best we can.
  • Information – we will set up an information desk which will provide relevant and regular information about the emergency and when it is safe to return home.
  • Security – we want to ensure that the centre is a secure place to be, both for the evacuees, staff and their belongings by working with the police and owners of the building.
  • First aid service – every time we open a rest centre, we will work with the British Red Cross and St John Ambulance to ensure that there is a team of qualified first aiders available to deal with medical matters. 
  • Communications –being able to communicate with the outside world is important for evacuees and staff, so we will make sure that we can do this.
  • Transportation – to get you to the rest centre and more importantly home again after the centre has closed.

Once we have registered you, we will make an assessment from the information that you have provided, and where we can, make arrangements to provide further services to ensure that your stay is as comfortable as possible. These might include hot meals, overnight arrangements, longer-term housing provision (if you can not return home for a significant period of time) general welfare care and psychological support, looking after the specific needs of individuals and entertainment.

Department for Environment Flood & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is the lead government department for Avian Flu.

Their website contains detailed information on Avian Flu. 

The Met Office have responsibility for warning the community of severe or hazardous weather which has the potential to cause danger to life or widespread disruption of communications or transport through its Weather Warning Service.

Weather warnings will also be broadcast during regular weather forecasts via local radio and TV.

Flooding can pose a serious hazard to lives and property.

By taking simple precautions you can minimise the damage caused by flooding.

  • Prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
  • Turn of gas, water and electricity
  • Move things upstairs or to safety
  • Move family, pets and car to safety
  • Don't try to walk or drive through floodwater. Only 6 inches of fast lowing water can knock you over. Two feet of water will float your car. If you must go through floodwater, remember to go very slowly.
  • Never try to swim in fast flowing water - you may be swept away or be struck by an object in the water.
  • Manhole covers can be lifted in a flood and there may be other hazards you can't see.
  • Avoid contact with floodwater - it may be contaminated with sewage.
  • Don't walk on sea defences, riverbanks or cross river bridges if possible - they may collapse in extreme situations or you may be swept off by large waves. Beware of stones and pebbles being thrown up by waves

Call 999 if in immediate danger

Prepare for flooding Leaflets and Booklets

Environment Agency

Please visit the Environmental agency website for the latest information

Flood Warnings for England can be found on the site

For current flood warnings in force please call our 24-hour Floodline on:

  • Telephone: 0345 988 1188
  • Type talk: 0345 602 6340 (for the hard of hearing)

Find out more about call charges


Contact your local council to find out where to get sandbags. You can also get them from some DIY or building supplies shops.

You can find out how to use sandbags to protect your property.

If you need to travel

Check flood warnings and road travel information.
